Language Exchange Liverpool :Free ads. Learn a language in Liverpool England UK! Language exchange, Liverpool, UK. FREE ads to meet other lfor language & cultural exchanges in Liverpool, England, UK.
Make new friends in Liverpool & learn a language at the same time!
Free ads : Language Exchange Partners Liverpool England UK
Learn or improve your language skills. Find Liverpool language exchange partners here!
Liverpool Exchange is a simple, safe and free way for people to learn a language and make new Liverpool friends whilst enjoying a cultural exchange and forming new friendships.
Language exchange is a great option for people who want to learn or improve their language skills without paying for language tutors and classes.
"Thank you for providing this good service. Many people contacted me.
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Placing a language exchange ad
• Use your free picture! Don’t be shy
• Include the basics - your age, sex, mother tongue and country of birth
• Read peoples ads properly and respond to them personally if you think you have a possible match – don’t cut and paste randomly!
• Use the secure mail system to get to know and trust the other party safely
• Never, ever include a direct phone number or email address in your ad copy
NB Language Tutors, Classes and Courses may not be advertised in this classified category – they should use the Tutors, Classes and Courses may not be advertised in this classified category – they should use the Tutors, Classes and Courses category or consider sponsorship.