"I successfully advertised my bed for sale.
I think this is a great site and will use it again, Sue
"Wanted to let you know how impressed I was at using this site. nnI had such a speedy reply to the advert I placed to sell my leather suites and I am currently using the site advertising the sale of my house hopefully I will have the same success, nn- Tracy Cn "
"I Googled for a local classifieds site, found the Exchange and uploaded my ad.
I sold my item within 2 weeks. Very happy with the outcome.
I will use this service again if the need arises, J. Skeggs
"Found site searching Google for Math Tuition.
Have used regularly for selling items & advertising tuition services I provide.
Response is good with lots of enquiring calls.
I recommend this site to anybody that is looking for easy to use classifieds, Robert