"Twice now, we have used this fantastic site to find house sitters.
We had an amazing response and found great people straight away.
We have no hesitation whatsoever in recommending this site to everyone.
- Carol D.
"Found on web search and this was the first time I've heard of Exchange Classifieds.
I was looking for a house sitter and within one week we had lots of people respond.
We found a great house sitter so now we are off on our world trip.
What a great service 5 stars !!! Ryan J
"Found on a Google search for housesitting & put in an ad.
It was useful that I got an email when I had mail.
It was good to upload a picture of the house.
I like to see my housesitters before I agree to have them, so having a local site is very helpful, Valerie R.
"We are in Amsterdam & via your site have been able to start organising our House Sitting service in Sydney very effectively.
We also found a removalist who can backload for us from Cairns to Sydney & Melbourne, in other words you guys are great! Alex